Idiot's Guide to Atlanta

Monday, July 31, 2006

Two Roads Diverged in a Green Wood...and my brother and I took the one to the sketchy secret society hangout

My brother and I decided to use up a little down-time by taking a walk. We found this beautiful lake, a forest rife with trails and even a secret society hangout!!

An elegant, fancy, somewhat expensive...SPORTS restaurant?

After picking up my incredibly cool (though at the time, sunburnt, sleepy and grumpy) brother from a tennis camp, I took him and his roommate to the ESPNZone restaurant.

We explored fancy food + sports!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Pictures from a Quirky City

Click here to view random photos I enjoy

2nd Robertson Essay--an encounter on the street

Wrote this as part of my Robertson requirement--I would appreciate comments, should you have any--I still think about this event quite frequently and wonder if I handled it correctly.

Read and review

Take care and God bless, everyone!


Three thousand people linking arms, singing, some crying. I have rarely seen something so moving as the gigantic Georgia Dome filled with thousands of strangers calling one another "brother" and "sister," praying for the unknown struggles in each other's lives and admitting their failings.

Welcome to MegaFest 2006, an annual symposium of Christians from all over in Atlanta.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


GUESS WHAT--one of my mentors in the Southeastern Council of Foundations informed me that she would miss me, namely the work I've been doing, very much when my summer experience here finalizes. She's looking to hire an administrative/communications/PR assistant, and I connected her with a local friend and UNC alumna currently job-hunting! How exciting is that?? She's interviewing with my mentor right now--cross your fingers for Emily! :)

Other news of note:
Tonight I head with my coworkers to MegaFest, Atlanta's annual Christian revival festival featuring many renowned pastors and performers. We will be attending the general service preached by Reverend TD Jakes in the Georgia Dome. I'll let yall know how it all turns out. :)

Tomorrow night:
Chetan and I volunteer with the Emory Autism Center as they host a sci-fi (primarily Star Wars and Star Trek)-themed event for young adult clients living with autism and Asperger's. We're prepared with bona fide lightsabers'll have to be creative with the rest of the costume. :)

~~Pics to come~~

Race and Legacy: Conversation between Jimmy Carter's Grandson and Nelson Mandela's Granddaughter

Part of the National Black Arts Festival in Atlanta: A fascinating, eye-opening and personal discussion with Mr. Carter concerning his Peace Corps experience in South Africa and a life lived behind his philanthropic-hearted grandfather.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hit or Miss

Alright, much as I hate to say it, not everything in Atlanta makes for a fantastic outing for everyone.

Miss: Chetan and I decided to partake of "Improv at the Park," the successor to "Screen on the Green" in Piedmont Park. We were happy to experience what Atlanta natives enjoy, but left rather quickly to find nice shots of the nighttime city skyline.

Hit: One day after work I toured a bit of the Coca-Cola factory along with Underground Atlanta.

Hit or Miss? Find out here.

Soccer and Shakespeare

My jaw dropped nearly to the table when I and my Cafe 458 coworkers witnessed Zidane's astonishing headbutt into an opposing Italian player's chest. The man fell back heavily in response to the French team captain's attack, and we immediately shouted "WHAT?!" in unison disbelief. What a crazy thing for a team captain and professional to do!


Afterwards I met up with fellow Robertsons Nandini, Kevin, Chetan and Samson to check out the Shakespeare Tavern on Peachtree Street. The tavern boasted nightly performances of all Shakespeare's works as well as tasty food from that period (well, not food prepared in that time-period, as we joked, just prepared the same way!).

What'd I learn and enjoy? Click here!

Officially the Best Taco Buffet EVER!

Hi gang--I realize I have been quite slack in the blogging department as of late. Things have become very busy, as you rapidly discover when working six days a week as the lackey willing to do the built-up grunt work the regular employees avoid.

However, there is still time yet for fun! Here are some photos from Officially the Best Taco Buffet EVER. And yes, I'm licensed to say so because we dubbed it officially the best and lamented the fact that some of our fellow hard workers were working too hard to join in our taco festivities. Enjoy it vicariously here!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Looooong Typically Wonderful Day-Cafe 458 and "Bodies"

Saturday: 6 am - 3 pm Cafe 458! Read all about it!
3:30 pm - "Bodies," new exhibit at Atlanta Civic Center
afterwards - chilling with the Breakthrough crew

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Views from the City

Pictures worth thousands of words

Play Ball!

Celebrating Dad's birthday as the Atlanta Braves face off against the Baltimore Orioles--tons of fun comprised of baseball, greasy food, collection of random Atlantans, fireworks and a surprise summer shower.

Click here for the
play-by-play of our evening!