Idiot's Guide to Atlanta

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Public Domain--think about it

This morning I reported to the Southeastern Council of Foundations to finish up some percentage charts (bah, the math was rough, but interesting statistics in terms of regional foundational asset growth). My coworkers were gone for the majority of last week to attend a symposium in Portland, Oregon.

They returned to tell me that MY BLOG -- the one you are currently reading, people! -- was featured in the conference!!

Unbelievable. But no, it wasn't a practical joke.

Apparently the lady in charge of the regional association of grantmakers' conference was instructing on various ways to publicize one's organization. She was also making the point that the associations need to make themselves aware of exactly what is being said about their organizations not only in newspapers, magazines, TV and conventional multimedia, but also on the Internet and in the blogosphere.

In her PowerPoint presentation, she used a number of interesting points and exemplars, one of which was mine! She executed a blog-search engine to find mention of regional associations, and little "Idiot's Guide to Atlanta" popped up as one of the more relevant! My coworkers recognized my office's mismatched furniture and the words "Atlanta, Georgia." They nudged one another and stage-whispered "That's our intern!"

Good thing I didn't say anything derogatory, eh? ;) (They're probably reading this right now--haha!)

Anyhow--made my day to know that folks over in Oregon have the care to read amateur blogs such as my own. Hope yall continue to enjoy it!


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