Idiot's Guide to Atlanta

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Soccer and Shakespeare

My jaw dropped nearly to the table when I and my Cafe 458 coworkers witnessed Zidane's astonishing headbutt into an opposing Italian player's chest. The man fell back heavily in response to the French team captain's attack, and we immediately shouted "WHAT?!" in unison disbelief. What a crazy thing for a team captain and professional to do!


Afterwards I met up with fellow Robertsons Nandini, Kevin, Chetan and Samson to check out the Shakespeare Tavern on Peachtree Street. The tavern boasted nightly performances of all Shakespeare's works as well as tasty food from that period (well, not food prepared in that time-period, as we joked, just prepared the same way!).

What'd I learn and enjoy? Click here!


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