Idiot's Guide to Atlanta

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Traffic Video

Melissa, newfound friend and fellow Robertson, advised me of a certain video ridiculing Atlanta traffic laws by...obeying them. Here's the link, enjoy:

I'm funny, click me!

Update on the chemical spill situation (see earlier post): my car is trapped in the parking garage for ten hours at minimum. Hence, dear coworker Helen has driven me close enough to walk and tomorrow I tackle MARTA to get to work. Heh heh heh...if I don't post anymore you'll know it's MARTA's fault. I've actually heard the system is not terrible, but the system hasn't really caught on for the majority of Atlantans, so there likely won't be a comforting crowd of confident commuters.


  • that made my day, susie. I'm very impressed with their rebellious rule following!

    By Blogger A, at 4:14 PM  

  • Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:06 PM  

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