Idiot's Guide to Atlanta

Monday, August 07, 2006

Finalizations and Celebrations

Well, yall, 'tis the end of my Atlanta adventure. I have had two solid months' worth of learning and leadership, service and sightseeing. The bittersweet end of both of my internships was compounded by the fact that it was my birthday this past Friday. An unfortunate epiphany presented itself: the older I become, the more goodbyes I have to say. What a bummer. However, this summer the Lord has taught me a great deal about myself and the limits/freedoms of independence; the importance of exploration and "forging ahead"* (see note at bottom); and numerous other omnibus lessons. My birthday was just wonderful--a time to reunite with many, be thankful for another year and look ahead to the next.

In fine, I thank all of you who read this (even if no one did, I sure had a fine time figuring out a pinch of CSS to format this baby as well as composing each blurb) and wish you the best. Take care and God bless!

Read one more important lesson from Idiot's Guide as well as some helpful travelin' rules.


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